Are you waiting on God or God waiting for you?

Sometimes, we pray for a blessing and wait. God doesn't seem to answer. So, we keep waiting and praying. We pray and pray again. God remains silent for long.

But, we fail to realize that sometimes God could be waiting for us to act first before He could grant us the blessing He wants to give us.

Obedience and walking with God are the keys to answered prayers. That doesn't mean that all unanswered prayers are due to disobedience. But, if you know that you are disobeying God in any area of your life or have habitual sins, God may choose not to answer your prayers, to get you back on track.

Sometimes, God brings pressures and problems in your life to draw you nearer to Himself and to make you work on things He wants you to.

Sometimes, God makes you wait, to make you dependent on Him for everything and to grow your faith in Him. Are you trusting in your willpower, ability and resources or dependent on God for your daily provision and protection? Are you spending time with God in prayer and meditating on His Word daily?

Ask yourselves the question, "Have you obeyed God in the last thing He asked you to do?". Break the bad habits in your life, grow in grace and truth, finish the good works that God wants to accomplish through you during this season of your life and trust in God. If you have done all that you could to obey Him and walk in His ways, He will surely bless you with what is best for you.

This Post: Are You Waiting for God or Is God Waiting for You?

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